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1. |
Role of intravenous paracetamol for control of pain in post operative cases at tertiary care centre in Northern India
Satpal Hans, Sanjeev Sharma, Anand Dutta, Sahil Mashal, Nirbhaibir Singh, Devika Krishnakumar, Gaurav Sharma, Parneet , NS Neki
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijcrms.2018.04.04.001
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A pilot study evaluating the therapeutic efficacy of Madhumega Kudineeer a Siddha herbal formulation in the management of Sinaipaineerkatti (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).
Dr. R. Vinodini, Dr. R.Vasuki, Dr. A. M. Amala Hazel, Dr. M. Meenakshi Sundaram, Dr. V. Banumathy.
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Kidney transplantation in patients with DKA - A Review
Ali Alidadi, Elham Taheri
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Study of histopathological changes and clinical profile in diabetic limb amputations in a tertiary care hospital North India
Vikram Jassal, R.P.S. Punia, Jagdish Chander, Ashok Kumar Attri, N.S. Neki,
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Consumption of fast foods and their effects on family lifestyle in Aba north L.G.A of Abia state
Ejike Blessing Ngozika and Obeagu Emmanuel Ifeanyi
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A review on palm oil supplemented diet and enzymatic antioxidants in aging
Obeagu Emmanuel Ifeanyi
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Rare occurrence of impacted and inverted maxillary third molar - A case report
Sukhpal Kaur, Riponjot Singh
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A review on therapeutic effect of Rasakarpoora Kuligai - Siddha herbomineral formulation
Dr. P. S. Anisha, Dr. A. Archana, Dr. R. Jeyanthi, Dr. V. Manjari , Prof. Dr. V. Banumathi
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EEG changes during acute alternate nostril breathing exercise in healthy adult male
Sanjay Maharjan, Rita Khadka, Bishnu Hari Poudel, Nisha Ghimire, Prem Bhattarai, Nirmala Limbu
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Comparative Clinical Profile and Outcome of Cases of Acute Kidney Injury in a Tertiary Care Centre
Dr Ashutosh Ojha, Maj (Dr) Yatharth Dixit, Gp Capt(Dr) V R Muzeeb,Col(Dr) Arun Kumar, Dr Varsha Mundley , Surg Cd (Dr)r Anuj Singhal