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1. |
A study of effect of special lecture on awareness related to organ donation among second year undergraduate medical students of a Medical College in a Metropolitan City, Maharashtra.
Dr. Mavatkar M.V, Dr. Vijaykumar Singh, Dr. Sujata Pol, Dr. Seema Bansode Gokhe
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Pilot study of Sarva Noi Linga Chenduram for Lithontriptic activity in the management of renal calculi. (Kalladaippu)
Dr A. Punitha, Dr S.Visweswaran, Dr A. Rajendra kumar, Dr K.Manickavasakam.
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Aspirin can prevent Miscarriages
Dr. Anil Batta
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Bilirubin as savior of biological system
Dr. Anil Batta
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Impact of prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV on positivity rate in Kafanchan, Nigeria
Omo-Emmanuel , Ughweroghene Kingston, Ochei, Kingsley Chinedum, Osuala, Eunice Ogonna , Obeagu, Emmanuel Ifeanyi and Onwuasoanya,Uche Francisca
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Clinicomycological study of Tinea capitis infections among School children
Dr R.Venkatajothi