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1. |
Antibiotic susceptibility pattern in Proteeae with special pattern of Amp -C β- lactamase
A.Balasubramanian and J.Vinoth |
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RCharacterization of Group B Streptococci from Rural Women Attending Primary Health Centre
A.Balasubramanian and S.Devi |
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A Review on Phytochemicals and their activities
Dr. Anil Batta
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Prevalence of aerobic bacterial flora among diabetic foot ulcer cases
K. Elakkiya, R. Suresh, G. Priyanka, C. Uma, P. Sivagurunathan, M. Bhuvaneswari
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How Raised Homocysteine is Correlated with CAD
Dr. Anil Batta
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Relation between Psychiatric Symptoms and Diabetic Complications
Dilek Tuzun, Emine Duygu Ersozlu Bozkirli, Ayten Oguz, Murat Sahin, and Kamile Gul.
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Musculoskeletal disorders of the hand in type 2 diabetics: is it important?
Dilek Tuzun, Emine Duygu Ersozlu Bozkirli, Ayten Oguz, Murat Sahin, and Kamile Gul.
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Isolation and Antimicrobial sensitivity pattern of Klebsiella pneumoniae from sputum samples in a tertiary care hospital
Shilpa. K, Ruby thomas, Allavarapu. Ramyashree
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Dr. Anil Batta
10. |
Iron Deficiency Anaemia among Adolescent Males in Warri Metropolis, Nigeria.
Anthony C. U. Ezimah,Obeagu, Emmanuel Ifeanyi, Janet J. Ali, Uloaku A. Ezimah, Chinyereugo O. Ezimah, Christian Ugwuishi, Chinedum U. Emelike and Sylvester Ibekailo
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Pineoblastoma with Multiple Spinal Metastases: A Rare Case Report
Lt Col V Suhag, Brig Vibha Dutta, Lt Col Sunita BS, Surg Cmde Arti Sarin, Dr AP Dubey, Maj Nishant Lohiya
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Relationship between Achievement Motivation, Academic Self-efficacy beliefs with Academic performance among of Jondishapour Medical Science University of Ahvaz, Iran
Sirous Allipour Birgani, Hakim Sahaghi, Jaleh Moridi