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1. |
Antibiotic Resistance of enteric bacterial pathogens in Accident and Emergency Units of Selected Public Hospitals in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State
Ekpiken Solomon Ekpiken, Daniel Clement Agurokpon, Deborah Felix Ekah
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Bovine Trypanosomosis Prevalence and Tsetse Fly Spatial Distribution in Ilu Aba Bora Darimu District, Western Ethiopia
Eyob Hirpa Tola and Yacob Hailu Tolossa
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Studies on platlets diagnostic indexes in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia in Uganda
Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu and Getrude Uzoma Obeagu
4. |
Evaluation of Haematological Parameters of Bankers in Calabar Metropolis
Valerie Esame Njar, Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu and Marycynthia U. Umeokwoaka
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Evaluation of Alloantibodies to human platelet antigen and Leucocyte antigen class 1 in Multitransfused patients in Owerri, Imo state
Ukonu U.C., Nwosu, D.C., Okoroiwu, L.I., Dike-Ndudim, J.N., Ukonu, G.O. and Obeagu, Emmanuel Ifeanyi