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1. |
A study of Diaphyseal Nutrient Foramina in human lower limb long bones and its clinical importance
Vijayalakshmi SB, Sneha Guruprasad Kalthur, Antony Sylvan D’ Souza
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijcrms-2016-2-7-1
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Evaluation of the shape and of Mental foramen with using Cone Beam Computerized Tomography
Seyed Arman Mohagheghi, Atefeh Alemzadeh
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijcrms-2016-2-7-2
3. |
Cone-beam Computed Tomography Study of Root Canals variation of maxillary premolar teeth in patients of Jondishapur clinic in Ahvaz
Mansour Jafarzadeh, Amin Kavousi, Aghdas Eghtedari.
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijcrms-2016-2-7-3
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Gross and Microscopic Features of the Interdigital Sinus in the Barbados Black Belly Sheep in Trinidad
Reda Mohamed and Andrew Adogwa
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Protein profile study among malnourished children in Umuahia
Obeagu, E.I., Nwosu,D.C. , Obeagu,G.U. and Emeka-Obi,O.R.
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Periodontal Status in Mothers with Preterm Labor or Low Birth Weight Infants in Comparison with Mothers with Term Labor and Normal Birth Weight Infants at Imam Khomeini & Sina hospital in Ahvaz in 2015
Morvarid Mafi, DDS, MDS. Parvin Salehi, DDS, MDS. Mahsa Ariyanejad, DDS.
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The Effect of Training of Stress Management on life Quality and Mental Control of Mothers with Autism off Spring
Jaleh Moridi, Mahin Askari
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Prevalence of acute respiratory infection and related risk factors in school-age children in Egypt: a cross-sectional study
Fouad M. A. Yousef and Ahmed Fathy Hamed