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1. |
Socio-Economic and Psychological Factors Affecting the Access to Nutrition care in Cancer Survivors: Case of the Laquintinie hospital Douala
Alingwa-Anuafor, Q..N., Tadzong-Awasum, G., Anuafor, C. A.,
Kaba-Andzouana, B. and Chwefung F.N. Ndofor-Foleng, H.M
2. |
Growth Performance of Three Genotype Chickens Under The Influence Of Garlic And Ciprofloxacin Reared In The Derived Savannah
Ndofor-Foleng H.M; Okenyi Nj; Tchoupou-Tchoupou Ec, Ikeh Ne.; Nwenya Jm1, Amaefule B.C; Njoya H. K; Iloghalu O.G, Nwosu, I.C3. Musongong G. A, Onyimonyi A. E
3. |
Microbiological quality Assessment of Commercial Yoghurt Brands sold in Bamenda, Cameroon
Alingwa-Anuafor, Q. N., Njoya, M. A., Ndofor-foleng, H.M., Anuafor, C. A.
4. |
Anti-cancer activity herbs for breast cancer –A Review
Lakshmi Prasannaa.R.S, Suganya.D, Amala Hazel.A.M
5. |
Classification of Varma points based on Aadhaara chakkaram- A descriptive study
Kavitha.S, Manjula.V, Subaraj.S, Magudapathi.S, Aravinda Senbagaraman.R, Suguna.M.