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1. |
Pattern of Cancer in Majmaah area, Saudi Arabia: A 5 - year review (2011-2016)
Ashraf A. Deyab, Salah A. Abdelrahim, Dr. Elsadig Y. Mohamed and Dr.Atif Ali Bashir
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Hepatoprotective activity of Sarakonrai poo (flower of Cassia fistula) chooranum against CCl4 induced liver damage in rats
R. Venkadesan, V. Manjari
DOI:: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijcrms.2018.05.10.002
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Acute and sub- acute oral toxicity evaluation of siddha herbomineral formulation Rasa Chendooram in wistar rats
S. Sabarmathi, V.Sudha, N. Anbu, D. Sivaraman
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijcrms.2018.05.10.003
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Toxicological Screening of Siddha polyherbal formulation Shanmuga chooranam by acute and sub-acute repeated oral toxicity studies in rats
R. Yamuna, R. Thamiloviam, S. M. Chitra, N. Anbu, D. Sivaraman
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Safety Assessment of Siddha Formulation Manokara Chooranam by Acute and 28-Day Sub-acute repeated dose toxicity Studies in Wistar Rats
P. Ramachandran, W. Zafiroon Nisa, N. Anbu, D. Sivaraman
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Standardization of Siddha drug Thalagam by Comparative Physiochemical evaluation in accordance with regulatory guidelines
A. Adhi Meena, J. Indrakumar, R. Gnanasundari , R. Madhavan
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A study to assess the effectiveness of soya bean consumption on menopausal symptoms among women in selected area, Coimbatore.
Mrs. N. Shaba, M.Sc (N)., DPHN.
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Overview on Siddha herbal medicine in the management of Dysmenorrhea (Soothagavali)
Bhuvaneshwari A, Renugadevi S, Sundararajan S
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Frequency of breast lesions in Gadarif Advanced Medical Diagnostic Centre
Usama A Elsharief, Rabie A Babiker, Samia O Massaad, Nadia A Mohammed, Yassir F Abubaker, Yassin Hamid, Nahid F Aldaw, Abuelgasim O Karoum
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Cytotoxic activity of Kaandha chendooram a Siddha medicine on HEPG2 cancer cell lines [Hepato Cellular Adenocarcinoma]
Dr. S. Sankardevi, M. Kalaivanan, S. Mohan Kumara Mangalam