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A study of serum visfatin in South Indian women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Kandasamy.S, Inmozhisivagamasundari. R, Bupathy. S, Sethupathy.S
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Modulation of macromolecular damages and membrane structural integrity by Selenium in Radiation treated human stage (III) oral cancer cases
Sonaa Elango, Zenith Khashim, Shila Samuel, Usha Subbiah, Marie Carmel Balcos
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Prevalence and Risk Factors of Placenta Previa in Saudi Arabia and Sudan 2016
Dr. Itedal Abdelraheem Mohamed Ahmed
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Coping Strategies to Confront Problems and Work Stress among Health Practitioners According to Their Personality Type
Nora Yonis Alsomali, Ahmed Abdella Mohammed Osman, Khalid Mohammed Alzahrani
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Therapeutic effectiveness of a siddha formulation Vidathari chooranam: A Review
Dr. D.Periyasami, Dr. G. Ganapathy, Dr. N.J. Muthukumar, Dr. V. Banumathy
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijcrms.2016.02.09.005