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1. |
Physical inactivity among University Students, Saudi Arabia
Ashraf Abdelfatah Deyab, Salah A. Abdelrahim, Ibrahim Almazyad, Abdulelah Alsakran, Riyadh Almotiri, Faisal Aldossari
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Estimation of Salivary Creatinine and Urea as alternative to Plasma Creatinine and Urea in Sudanese Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease in Khartoum State-Sudan
Ethar Adel Yousif, Sara Mohmed Siddig Ahmed, Safa Mohammed Alsadig,Salman Taha Ahmed Elmukashfi, Reem Elbakeit Falih
DOI:: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijcrms.2018.05.09.002
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A Study on Anti ulcer activity of Uppu Chenduram-II using pyloric ligation method in Wistar rats
T. Bhuvaneshwari
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijcrms.2018.05.09.003
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Risk Factors for Esophageal Cancer in Gadarif State in Eastern Sudan
Nadia Abdel Rahiam Mohammed Alamin, Usama A Elsharief, Rabie A Babiker, Yassir F Abubaker, Yassin Hamid, Abuelgasim O Karoum, Samia O Massaad, Mamoun Magzoub, Ibrahim Bakhit Yosif Elemam