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1. |
Prevalence of Substance Abuse and its Associated Factors among Diploma Studying Students of High Land Area of Mid-Western Region, Nepal
Bishal Pokhrel, Prabin Kumar Sah, Om Prakash Kafle, Kriti Parajuli
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Therapeutic effect of Siddha herbomineral formulation “Kasthuri Karuppu” – A review
Archana G, Rajasri R, Manjari V, Madhavan R
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A review of Nagam (Zinc) in Siddha medicine, unveiling the ancient wisdom and its Pharmacological properties
Vimala Jasmine A, Keerthiga T, Sathya Rathish M, Yogeswari C, Ilamathi S
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Exploratory review on Siddha herbo mineral drug Neeradimuthu Vallathy Mezhugu
Keerthiga T, Vimala Jasmine A, Sathya Rathish M, Arihari krishnan K, Thiruvengadam P
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Drug Review of “Swasakudori Mathirai”- A Siddha Herbal Preparation
Packiyalekshmi.K.R, Madhavan.R, Meenakumari.R